View DetailsWatch a video demonstration

You can view details on properties, permits, and inspections. If you are interested in viewing and editing project notes, click Project Notes at left.

Property Details

You must have a property on your ProjectPage with initialized inspections before you can view details on it. Please click Adding Properties at left to read about adding properties to your page. If you have a property on your page, click the click for property info button on the project header bar.

Permit Details

You must have an Issued Permit on your ProjectPage before you can view details on a permit. Please click Apply For Permits at left to read about applying for a permit. If the Issued Permit is on your page, click the details button in the permit area.

Inspection Details

You must have an Issued Permit with inspections on your ProjectPage before you can view details on an inspection. Please click Apply For Permits at left to read about applying for a permit. If the Issued Permit and associated inspection is on your page, click the details button to the right of the inspection.

Details Screen

The Details page has two columns: the left column displays a name, and the right column displays the associated value. If you are confused by any of the names or values, please contact your Building Department.